Team Building

The goal of this seminar is to introduce the group, and to begin developing trust, respect and teamwork within the group.


  1. Getting to know each other.
  2. Getting to know the Shake It Up program.
  3. Understanding what each participant wants from the program. 


  • Introductions, welcome, key activities and people of the day.
  • Goals of Shake it Up


Activity One: Pairs Interview

  • Get into pairs.
  • Find out where your partner is from, and how they got to Shake It Up.
  • Find three unique things you have in common.
  • Come back to the group and introduce your partner to the group.

Activity Two: Personality Game

  • Everyone gets a name of a person, character or thing taped to their back.
  • Do not look at the name on your own back.
  • Ask yes or no questions about who you are of each of the other participants.
  • You must introduce yourself to the person you are asking about who you are.
  • They must introduce back before they answer any questions.
  • You must ask everyone in the group at least one question.
  • Once everyone has asked everyone else at least one question, come back together and venture a guess to the group about who/what you are.

Activity Three: Traffic Jam

  • Divide group into two groups.
  • Groups line up facing each other.
  • Each person is on a square, space, rug section, whatever.
  • One space between the groups.
  • Groups must move to the other side of the line, ie, backs to each other.
  • You cannot pass more than one person.
  • You cannot pass anyone on your team.
  • You cannot share a space.
  • You cannot move backward.

Activity Four: Full Value Contract/Expectations

  • Two groups of seven, each group designates a spokesperson.
  • The group decides what it wants from participating in Shake It Up.
  • Spokesperson tells the groups and group leaders write it down on posterboard that will be at every session.
  • Everyone signs this Full Value Contract.

Staffing: Project Directors and everyone involved.